Hey Papee,

After I posted today i had a "brain pain" and i decided that you were talking about a water base primer. Sooo i painted some regular old styrofoam with some Kilz water base. I am going to let it dry overnight and put some resin on. I hope this is what you meant by spraying on primer. If this works i will nominate you for genius of the year I did some of this foam forming years ago and still have a home made hot knife made from a hack saw. i think i used a battery charger for power Hey CRS happens I just dont want to have a SNAFU. If anyone has ANY input PLEASE reply. I am close to doing a trial run on this "thing" I am building and the rudders are my main concern right now.

The reason i say "thing" i am building is because i am probably doing some things that are unusual for an airboat. I just hope the darn thing will move in the water. I will be posting pictures later but for now every minute counts. My wife has a birthday this weekend and we are going to stay on the river for a week. So am busting my B%$#@ to get it finished.

Thanks to all for the help.
