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Thread: 084 Motor Stand Questions

  1. #1
    Junior Member Bart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Valdez, Alaska

    084 Motor Stand Questions

    Okay, I finally am almost ready to start on my stand for the 084 motor, the last time I built my stand for my 2 stroke Cuyuna, I didn't have an Aluminum welder. so I was stuck to mounting it on the ribs that were already on the boat. on 16" centers.
    But now I have widened the hull, and I can place the ribs at any distance for the stand I will be making.
    I am leaning towards fabing up a 3 point stand, (at the moment I am waiting for the motor mount bushings...)
    as far as the height, goes. it all depends on the prop radius. really don't want to leave much of it below the gunnel. it might look a little high when I am done.. the 2 props I have at the moment....are a 4 blade ultra prop w 60" radius, & a 3 blade warp drive w 57" radius.. but I have been hearing good stories about the 67" whirlwinds...

    the question I have at the moment, what would be a good distance to have the bottom stringers for good stability?
    Now that at the I can choose my width, and make it a little more stable and user friendly,
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Corky's Avatar
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    Susquehanna river, Dauphin, Pa

    Re: 084 Motor Stand Questions

    When I built my hull I evenly spaced the stringers...And whatever it turned out to be is what I used.. That simple.. In theory the wider bottom footprint would add stability..With that being said I've seen engine stands that were straight up with even V8s being used...The forward bracing is the big issue with your thrust..
    So I'd see where your stringers fall for what you consider to be the best span and make it work...Keep in mind your prop cage if built correctly will add more lateral support to keep everything in place..

    Aluminum .120 14' X 76" hull
    Teledyne 4a084-4 engine
    Circle S 1.69:1 reduction
    67" Whirlwind "Razor X" prop

  3. #3
    Junior Member Bart's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    Valdez, Alaska

    Re: 084 Motor Stand Questions

    thanks, for the tip. the original stringers are now 32.5" on center, thinking why redo something, the mounting holes are already drilled with heli coils installed. for a while. I was trying to talk myself into that they were to wide....

  4. #4
    Junior Member Bart's Avatar
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    Valdez, Alaska

    Re: 084 Motor Stand Questions

    the motor mounts showed up. and with the angle of 58 degrees, I turned out 3 brackets 1.5" X 2.5" long 316 stainless. it actually went real easy. now on to the next parts..
    I looked at a few of the different mounts that have been used, one of the more common one were a thicker gauge tubing with the ends flared out. with the inside bored out to .75 & with the flared ends, they really don't weight to much. and it was something that I could do in house.
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  5. #5
    Super Moderator Corky's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Susquehanna river, Dauphin, Pa

    Re: 084 Motor Stand Questions

    Those will work nicely...The other style you're referring to was simply EMT tubing with flared ends..They come in stainless and galvanized steel..

    Aluminum .120 14' X 76" hull
    Teledyne 4a084-4 engine
    Circle S 1.69:1 reduction
    67" Whirlwind "Razor X" prop


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