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Thread: No airboat was injured in this post just hunting week one

  1. #1

    No airboat was injured in this post just hunting week one

    In fact on boat at all.

    You ma have seen this one, Boys Moose.
    Down By Dillon Mt.

    Three days of coyote calling in outrages mud, rain and snow.

    The boy and his wife have doe antelope tags .
    Got one so far there out today too.

    I had a tooth abscessed so I got sidelined till I can get in to a dentist. The ER and immediate care don't treat tooth stuff ????
    I lanced my own gum and they got me some antibiotic and pain meds , hoping I live till Monday.
    Kinda touch and go.
    When I get a pic of the other Antelope I'll stick it in

    Last edited by Coyotes-R-Us; 10-09-2016 at 04:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Corky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Susquehanna river, Dauphin, Pa

    Re: No airboat was injured in this post just hunting week one

    Meat on the table and a little excitement to shoot also...Not bad...What's the average temps up there now ???

    Aluminum .120 14' X 76" hull
    Teledyne 4a084-4 engine
    Circle S 1.69:1 reduction
    67" Whirlwind "Razor X" prop

  3. #3

    Re: No airboat was injured in this post just hunting week one

    Yesterday Morning it was 16*
    Today it will hit 60* BUT so will the wind....


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