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Thread: aerokirk's ice testing

  1. #1
    Member aerokirk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Upper Peninsula of Michigan

    aerokirk's ice testing

    My latest video taken just prior to the Spring breakup:
    11'6" Marty Bray Hull
    4A084 Continental
    Circle "S" 1.69:1 Reducer
    67" Whirlwind Razor X Prop
    SS Rigging

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Corky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Susquehanna river, Dauphin, Pa

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    It's funny hearing the tone of your wife's voice for the second round on the ice......I see you've mastered the ice a little better now.... What's the life expectancy of your bottom paint under the conditions you run in ??? Can you tell any difference on the ice or will the big difference be in the water ??? I've never tried the bottom paint other than the saltwater anti-fouling paint which is not the same application...

  3. #3
    Member aerokirk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Upper Peninsula of Michigan

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    Can't understand why she sounds so concerned ... it handles ice pretty well as long as you slow down for turns. Some of the ice was rotting and some was solid ... the boat really moves on the solid stuff though I don't notice any difference with the quickclick on ice or water for that matter. I do notice the difference when going through reeds and grass... much faster. The ice didn't seem to make any wear marks on the bottom.
    11'6" Marty Bray Hull
    4A084 Continental
    Circle "S" 1.69:1 Reducer
    67" Whirlwind Razor X Prop
    SS Rigging

  4. #4
    Junior Member Doozit20's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    South Florida

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    Man that looks like fun....
    Hull:10'6"x69" 1/2 deckover .100
    Motor:4a084 w/ stock carb
    Reduction:direct drive
    Prop:ultraprop 3 blade 59x10*
    Mods:Motorcycle exhaust

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Corky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Susquehanna river, Dauphin, Pa

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    Hey Aerokirk, were you out having fun this winter ??? We're ready to see some more activities now that you're a seasoned pilot !!!

    Aluminum .120 14' X 76" hull
    Teledyne 4a084-4 engine
    Circle S 1.69:1 reduction
    67" Whirlwind "Razor X" prop

  6. #6
    Member aerokirk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Upper Peninsula of Michigan

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    Hi Corky...good to hear from you! Sorry but the last thing I want to do in minus 15 degree weather is to sit in front of a large fan. I did take the boat out to do some duck hunting in October on the north end of Lake Michigan which was a real blast. It’s truly amazing how much brush you can bust through with an airboat. I would usually find some 10 foot cattails to bury myself into which completely hid the cage.

    I've got a pretty good setup now with two gopros so I should be able to get a decent video next Spring. Still waiting to see that video of you in your terrific looking boat.
    11'6" Marty Bray Hull
    4A084 Continental
    Circle "S" 1.69:1 Reducer
    67" Whirlwind Razor X Prop
    SS Rigging

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Corky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Susquehanna river, Dauphin, Pa

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    I know what you're saying about sitting in front of a huge fan in these temps!!! I always enjoy your videos...I was wondering just how cold it was there...We're in the deepfreeze too with daytime temps in the teens to the 20s and night time in the single digits...So I figured it was brutal up there for you now...I missed my calling this year the river just didn't give us any good water in the fall for my maiden voyage but I'm ready for spring !!

    Aluminum .120 14' X 76" hull
    Teledyne 4a084-4 engine
    Circle S 1.69:1 reduction
    67" Whirlwind "Razor X" prop

  8. #8

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    That's what I'm talking about!!!
    Out standing

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    jacksonville fl

    Re: aerokirk's ice testing

    kirk you handle that boat like a pro. loved the video.
    Arrow belt drive
    marty bray 116 mini pro
    solex 32/36
    weber 32/36
    solex 34 pict 3
    weber 34 ich
    Razor x 3 blade


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