Well, I was really pissed when on friday at the last minute I found out that I wasn't going to be going to wildwood to the airboat show as planned. There were some projects around the house that had to be completed for reasons beyond our control. While at the equipment rental place I noticed that the guy in back was welding some fenders on an airboat trailer. I of course had to ask about it and the weekend took a turn for the better. It seems that a neighbor happened to have an older mini that he was interested in selling and asked his buddy to do some welding for him. As it happened , you know who, has been in the market for a mini. A few words about my quest, a set of directions, and I was off to a house that was not 5 miles from where I live.

A quick introduction and it was off to the back yard to fine an 11 foot alumineum hull with a cage surrounding a vw engine turning a 60X25 two blade wooden prop. It has a poly bottom and of course the afore mentioned trailer, It is definitely a project boat, but has a lot of potential. The price was definitely right and I will be taking possession later this week. I should be able to have the engine running by the end of the week and I will keep the site posted as progress is made. The original builder was airboats by little John in Florida. Well, it is funny how things work out and I may have some breeze on my knees faster then I was expecting. By the way, I am just putting the subaru back together after a close examination and only found a small leak in the one head gasket and it should be back together and ready to run this week also.
