I sold the 032 off my boat so I decided to make a trip to camp since I'll be out of commission for a while. Just for the heck of it I decided to experiment with the engine shims a bit more. I decide to go the opposite direction with the shims. The front was lifting so I had the front of the engine shimmed to put the front down. It seems that I had it pushing down to hard on the front. Once I freed up the front end the 032 worked pretty well on the heavy hull. It pushed my grandson and I around pretty well.
Any way, I made a fire the first night and made him some marshmallows and then we got up early the next morning for some fishing. He caught the first one, a catfish, ok on my bass rod with 5lb test line. He had another one on but it broke the line. On the third one I coached him in holding the rod and when to let the fish run and when to reel. At 6 yrs old he did great although his arms go a little tired. He asked me a few times to help but I egged him on and he caught both on his own. He was one happy camper. I even let him run the boat a little while just idling.
I'm off to the garage to start pulling the motor, the guy is picking it up on Monday.