Build your own and get sliding.
The Mini Airboat Association was started to allow all interested to share ideas and help promote the mini airboat. We are not a club, just a bunch of like minded individuals with the bug to tinker with our boats making them efficient using a small engine. We along with other boating enthusiasts have set up a set of guidelines for what we call a mini airboat. We’ve done this so we can form classes of these boats for airboat shows and other future competitions with these boats.
We’re all still learning what we can do with these boats so come in and join us in our discussions. Mini airboats are catching on, we have manufacturers on board that have sold turnkey boats to places like Alaska and as far away as Moroco. Be sure to check out our forum, there is a good bunch of guys waiting to answer questions you may have as well as share ideas on the mini airboat.
I have had airboats most of my life my first being at the age of 15. being young and with not much money, I got interested in what we now call “mini airboats”. Mini Airboats are very similar to the full size airboats with the main deference being the size of the motor. To a uninformed onlooker a mini airboat would look the same as it’s full size brother. Many of the mini hulls are the same size as these full size boats and can reliably carry passengers and supplies at a respectable cruising speed.
If you have a link or information pages about mini airboats please let us know by posting in our forums. Only sites or pages referring to mini airboats will be posted here. Click HERE to go to our forums.
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